DANISH+ is an international showcase that takes place in the lovely city of Aarhus in Denmark every other year.
The showcase is a unique opportunity for theatre delegates and representatives from around the world to see and experience some of the finest and most outstanding Danish performing arts for children and youth.
With a few exceptions – dance and nonverbal – all performances will be in English, and the performances are regarded as equally compelling for adults as children/youth.
The first edition took place in 2008 and has since then been held every other year. The next edition will take place in May 2026.
The process of selecting the presented work is based on one sole parameter: quality
Along with quality, Danish performing arts for children and youth is widely acclaimed for creating and conceptualizing the genre and its productions from an uncompromising and genuine artistic concern. The Danish productions also aim for intense and intimate dialogue on several levels between stage and audience – the latter often with a size of less than 100 spectators.
Artistic leader of Teatret Gruppe 38 Bodil Alling talks about the aim of the festival DANISH+

The showcase is initiated and organized by the theatre; Teatret Gruppe 38
- a professional and prizewinning theatre, which has existed since 1972.
The theatre is placed in the city of Aarhus in Denmark and is led by the artistic leader, writer and actor Bodil Alling. The theatre strives to create intimate, thoughtful and poetic theatre, for nearly all ages.
Teatret Gruppe 38 has an extensive tour-programme, in Denmark and abroad. Amongst other countries, the theatre has been visiting Australia, Croatia, Norway, Canada, USA, Germany, Estonia, Scotland and Japan.
Teatret Gruppe 38 has been nominated 6 times for the most prestigious theatre prize in Denmark, Reumert of the Year – and won the award three times, respectively in 2003, 2006 and 2019.
In 2011 Teatret Gruppe 38 received one of the world’s most prestigious theatre prizes – The ASSITEJ International Honorary President’s Award for Artistic Excellence.
For more information please visit www.gruppe38.dk